Hotel Escorts | Amsterdam | Dam Square Babes
What is unconditional love?It is a fairytale emotional state, in which one romantic partner loves and supports the other no matter what. The lover will do everything in his power to please and guarantee the beloved enjoyment and fulfillment. Unfortunately, this kind of relationships are virtually impossible to attain. In reality, each human action is conditioned, and the entire social interaction is based on thousands of rules and guidelines. Companion of any kind depends on the conditions offered to each side. The rules or conditions exist in implicit, verbal, and written ways. For instance, if a man is dating a romantic partner proper hygiene and a positive attitude is the basic rule to follow. With this in mind, it is easy to understand why the escort directory and the escort sites place their rules and etiquette required to enjoy the service.The social interaction is conditionedWe live in a complex and sophisticated nation, in which every single act must follow the social rules. Can anybody imagine going to work ungroomed wearing only underwear? The most common answer should be no way. The social norms indicate that to live in the society you must behave and act accordingly to the society in which you live. Correspondingly, dating or going out requires following hundreds of social norms. The word unconditional is not found in any place in the real world.If you search the escort directory looking for the most outstanding Amsterdam escort you set your conditions. You expect the escort site showcases the real picture of the current Amsterdam escorts. In like manner, you expect the companion woman to behave accordingly to the assigned role play. By all means, the encounter must obey the rule and you and the companion woman must follow proper etiquette.Partners and companions come with conditions.The truth is men are providers, they must provide food, shelter, protection and social status to their partners. To demonstrate it, men who are financially successful and powerful are praised by society and desired by women. The present situation is not different from the origin of human civilization and it may continue forever. For this reason, tycoons, millionaires, and successful men are the ideal women’s companion, boyfriend, or husband.Certainly, a feminist can argue against this universal fact insisting about the spontaneity of human romantic encounters. Also, feminist remark only Amsterdam escort charge for their companion and escort services. On the same token, naïve men can believe they may win their companion love by their personal charming. Indeed, our society has grown so cynical, that self-deception becomes the norm and people force themselves to repeat lies.The rules and conditions to find a companion depend on society and the selected partner. First, financial and economic conditions vary on a personal basis. Men must pay to mateRegardless of the social status or educational level, every man pays for companion and mate’s partners. To begging with, after a man has a crush or interest in any lady the first move is to show off how successful he is. He sends to her presents, inviting her to diners, plays, etc. to manifest his interest in her. On the other hand, the woman is analyzing how convenient the male prospect is for her. She will select the best provider for her and her future descendants; she will not select the one she loves. Important to realize, women select their mates or companions based on financial convenience and social interest.Before one man can get lucky, the chances are that he needs to invest money. He will pay dates, presents, etc. Thus he is paying for companion and mating. On the same token, a married man needs to pay rent, cars, insurance, food, clothes, entertainment, etc. to his wife. To put in another way, a 1800s philosopher said. The only difference between a marriage and escort service is the selling volume. In this case, the married woman is a wholesaler, who sells days and years of escort service to one buyer. At the same time, the Amsterdam escort is a retailer. Amsterdam escort sells the escort service by the hour to one or more buyers.In general the most compelling evidence showed men pay for companion and mating all the time. If a married man wants to have intercourse with his wife, she agrees only if her needs are covered. Likewise, the wife provides sexual gratification in exchange for presents, cars, home, holidays, etc. To point out, if the marriage is facing financial struggles the wife would stop engaging in any sexual activity. Whenever hard times and difficulties appear, the couple becomes sexless. On balance, regardless of the kind of agreement or relationship men pay for sex.Does Unconditional Love exist?Unconditional love doesn’t exist in a marriage or romantic relationship. The evidence shows that 50% of married people divorce in less than 2 years. Important to realize, after an illness affects one partner the other cheats and eventually leaves. The same applies to a financial crisis or even just behavioral changes. Also, if one partner becomes abusive, or mistreats his companion, or losses interest in her, none will stay.Nowadays, a healthy person with a sound mind understands that everything in life is conditioned. As soon as the conditions change the agreements needs to change leading to ending the partnership. Similarly, job, friendship, romantic relations, and engagements follow rules. For this reason, it is impossible to find Unconditional love in any adults’ relationship.Can we fix the damage done by the rom-com?No, the damage changed the mind of various generations, in fact, all the 90s teenagers exposed were affected. There are some people that take their sentimental choices waiting for the unconditional love or hoping to find it. Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore had ruined the capacity to establish a healthy relationship and married life for millions. Indeed, the rom-coms are the one to blame for the massive amount of divorce filling during the 90s.The first thing to remember is those 90s rom-com also impacted the escort service industry and the escort directory. First, every companion from the Amsterdam escort site knows perfectly how to use silverware and behave in any social situation. Second, Amsterdam escorts were hired by clients, who had a hard time trying to convince the Amsterdam escort to marry them.
Women Competing Against Escort Services Created the Unconditional Love Fantasy
Yes, it is true, escort services have been provided in major cities around the globe from the dawn of civilization. Just two hundred years ago nobody got married or even was interested in living with just one woman. The most beautiful and gracious women worked in the escort service industry. The businessmen and laborer expend their money in brothels and pubs. Under those circumstances, the country women didn’t have an opportunity to find any men’s support. Thus, they created the unconditional love fantasy to compete for men attention.Initially, men married to escort service companions and even the escort service workers spread the unconditional love tale. Another key point about the origin of this fantasy was the identification of sexually transmitted diseases. After the syphilis identification, uneducated people believed that it was produced by the lack of love during sex. A point often overlooked, the unconditional love was from men to women never the other way.Amsterdam Escort service is the best bait to find unconditional love.You never see successful men alone; they are always surrounded by beautiful young girls. The reason for doing it, it is because they need to show off their financial and social power. Therefore, each successful man hires Amsterdam escorts to send the message to women that he is an excellent provider. By all means, being seen with a sophisticated Amsterdam escorts is a bold statement of financial power.The best way to gain women attention is by been seen by the side of better female models. Women are extremely competitive. Comparatively, your sex appeal and sexual attractiveness increase when an Amsterdam escort is by your side. No matter if they are not attracted to you as soon as you are with a beautiful companion every woman will like her place. As a result, the best way to catch women attention is by hitting the social scene with Amsterdam escorts by your side.
A real man under the Amsterdam standard can pay for all his desires and provide for his dependents. On the positive side, this lifestyle promotes the entrepreneurship and the hard work of men. In particular, this is the reason of the success of the thousands of fundraising events around the country. Men need to demonstrate their power and financial status frequently by paying for the thing they don’t need. Equally important, our escort service and the escort directory were created to cater to tycoons and powerbrokers. Companions at our escort site are the best Amsterdam escorts; they will be your financial status statement to others.Being successful requires not only accumulating wealth and recognition, but also displaying your purchasing power to increase your influence.Why do women prefer successful men?The reason is their biological brain wiring or programmation. Women must care for their children and guarantee their survival. In the light of evolution, women are practical and they are frequently looking for ways to improve their living condition. Not to mention, the tremendous competitiveness among them creates the motivation for being with the best man in their group. Henceforth, women place feeling and emotion on a second place and their top priority is financial and social wellbeing.Women run from losers and unworthy men, they know that a solitary man is neither successful nor a good companion. Under those conditions, every single man needs to hire a Amsterdam escort to boost his reputation. Equally important, the power that a man projects, is vital to increase his networking and business influence. Then, attending business gatherings with an Amsterdam escort is the fastest and best way to improve how people see you.